Observations of life through the eyes of a no name artist.
Saturday, January 31, 2004
So, I feel the pressure starting to build. Into my third week of classes and my new job and the medication works less and less. Anything that takes longer than 2 hours drains me. And again I feel filled with responsibilty and pressure to not let others down. What bothers me more is how much I alienate my friends to the point I don't feel I have people to talk to especially not in person. I certainly don't have a boyfriend, though I've had many offers I feel like such a basket case that I don't try hard to achieve a relationship. The desire is there but the energy is not. THe energy is never there. I miss people, but I am ashamed to be me and can't subject my friends to all these quirks I've developed in the course of a year. For whatever reason I care too much and inturn I shut them out. I am a mess, help me.
Friday, January 23, 2004
Well I started my new job this week and its hella boring. I am a computer lab attendant for ASU's dance department. Essentially I sit at a desk tell people to sign in and then I proceed to check my email about 6 or 7 times. Then I solve my rubik's cube 6 or 7 times. Then on to maybe working on homework, but school just started there isn't much to do. Finally I resort to talking on aim with my phone because I can't install aim on the computer they let me use while I work. It would be super cool to mess around with the computers that the dance students get to use because they have photoshop, illustrator and final cut pro. This machine still runs OS 9 instead of OSX and only has internet explorer and microsoft word. Yeah thats really fun....
Anyway here is a pic of the lab empty, which it normally is on a Friday and all its lovely computers sitting untouched. Its a crime I tell you:)
I took this with my T300 Sony Ericsson phone, not bad for a phone.
Anyway here is a pic of the lab empty, which it normally is on a Friday and all its lovely computers sitting untouched. Its a crime I tell you:)

I took this with my T300 Sony Ericsson phone, not bad for a phone.
Saturday, January 10, 2004
The oddest thing happened at my house last night. My family does not do anything remotely illegal (well maybe financially, but I'm not even sure about that ;) Even my little brother who barely gets through school despises people who drink and smoke pot. Yeah we are just like the Beavers (actually not even close) and we respect and obey the law, so getting a visit from the Po a 11:30 at night was pretty weird. My poor little brother who is a scrawny weakling teenager was shaking when he answered petty questions about pellet guns to two very large assuming cops. He then had to wake me up because they wanted to speak to an adult, I happened to be the closest thing at the time. It was rather amusing because I hate to be woken up in the middle of the night. Its hard enough for me to fall asleep, but to refall asleep is nearly impossible. So if my brother really wants to wake me up he'll make up stupid things to get me out of bed. So last night he's practically knocking down my door telling me to get up the police are here. I'm just lying there laughing at how silly of a lie that was and pretending to sleep. But he was persistent so I yelled some unkind words to him and hobbled out of bed. I wanted to laugh out loud when I stepped out to sure enough see two cops on the front landing. So then they asked me a bunch of dumb questions and searched our balcony. I thought about being a total prick and asking for a warrant and such, I mean it is my right and they did wake me up at 11:30 at night, but I was too tired to be a smart ass and just let them search whatever. I mean what were they expecting to find in a practically empty house with a 16 and 21 year old who where quietly tucked away in their rooms. All I want to know now is what punk heard gun shots, called the police, and thought to drop our name to the cops. They must really not like my family. :)
Monday, January 05, 2004
My older brother is the wise all knowing person in my life. So of course he was the one to direct me to this site.
Its the brain child of Lawrence Lessig (and some other people) who I had the pleasure of hearing speak at Arizona State University about 2 years ago, again the work of my brother (he dragged me to it kicking and screaming).
Anyway they had a contest to display their mission statement, and my brother really pushed for me to enter it because I'm a video artist and all. So I did manage to finish a piece. I'd love for it to win something, my brother would be really proud of me. It can be seen here.
AIM me and give me feedback if you like (princessilea)
Its the brain child of Lawrence Lessig (and some other people) who I had the pleasure of hearing speak at Arizona State University about 2 years ago, again the work of my brother (he dragged me to it kicking and screaming).
Anyway they had a contest to display their mission statement, and my brother really pushed for me to enter it because I'm a video artist and all. So I did manage to finish a piece. I'd love for it to win something, my brother would be really proud of me. It can be seen here.
AIM me and give me feedback if you like (princessilea)