Observations of life through the eyes of a no name artist.
Friday, November 28, 2003
So I haven't written in a while, I've been rather busy with school and empty in thoughts.
Here is a poem for a short burst of enjoyment.
Red and soft and smell so sweet.
To arouse the female gender, what a treat!
Bunched by the dozens a profiting affair.
From poor dumb shmucks to rich to care.
Wait for approval of investment, what a waste!
When a hug and a I love you is more to taste.
Here is a poem for a short burst of enjoyment.
Red and soft and smell so sweet.
To arouse the female gender, what a treat!
Bunched by the dozens a profiting affair.
From poor dumb shmucks to rich to care.
Wait for approval of investment, what a waste!
When a hug and a I love you is more to taste.
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Why is it that there are no morning people. I don't know anyone other than my older brother that gets up at 4 or 5 in the morning by choice and without the help of an alarm or caffeine. I wonder why so many people function better at night. Sometimes I feel like I should move to a different time zone to get my sleeping times to magically match the norm. Of course I wonder if over time they would just shift back to what they are now. Anyway, all you morning people that must be hiding under rocks or something, come out and tell me you exist. I'd appreciate it. :)
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
I'm really unhappy. There really isn't any other way to state this. There doesn't seem to be anyway to fix things either. All my friends want to be helpful, they give lots of advice. Some I even try to follow, but its no use. No matter how much I want to do things, I just can't, and I can't because everytime I become sick and uncomfortable to an extreme that makes the activity no longer worth it.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
What's up with this Atkins diet crap? All I see is fast food commercials on TV catering to this new great way to lose weight. Subway and KFC are saying how great their high protein low carb meals are. I didn't think a high protein low carb diet was anything new. I've known that helps lose weight for years, its sort of like common sense.... So anyway some guy is famous for telling us something that's not new, its just now everyone is actually listening.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
I go through phases where I just let stuff and my life just pile up all over the place. Then as soon as I want to avoid homework I take a day to do massive cleaning and I mean massive. Everything gets sorted, washed, scrubbed, throw out, sterilized, dusted, mopped, etc. I even pull out the cleaning tooth brush for the bathroom. Of course because my house has taken so much abuse over the years after maybe 5 to 6 hours of work the place is still not spotless, but my mind is cleansed. I don't know what it is about cleaning but its like meditating. When I'm done I'm ready to take on my homework and problems. And for whatever reason it de-stresses me even though it usually means I'm stalling on work that sooner or later must be finished.
Yesterday while I was cleaning I was also finally receiving a new bed (new to me, I got it from a friend). When I moved into this room I was downsized from a full bed that I'm completely used to, to a twin bed that I barely fit on. Now I have queen bed with blood red satin sheets that are seriously neato. Its weird if I were to go out and buy sheets I would have bought these sheets, but by some fortune they came with the bed.
In retrospect however I probably should not have cleaned all morning with no bed in my room (it arrived at night). I spent the rest of my day as a cast member from Night of the Living Dead.
Yesterday while I was cleaning I was also finally receiving a new bed (new to me, I got it from a friend). When I moved into this room I was downsized from a full bed that I'm completely used to, to a twin bed that I barely fit on. Now I have queen bed with blood red satin sheets that are seriously neato. Its weird if I were to go out and buy sheets I would have bought these sheets, but by some fortune they came with the bed.
In retrospect however I probably should not have cleaned all morning with no bed in my room (it arrived at night). I spent the rest of my day as a cast member from Night of the Living Dead.