Observations of life through the eyes of a no name artist.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Well the semester is over and I don't have a job, so winter break is always a strange transition for me. I'm borderline obsessive compulsive in the sense that I do like patterns in my daily life even if I don't want to admit it. I go from being extremely busy and stressed out with one art project after another to cold turkey nothing. The transition always seems to make me depressed until I'm able to keep myself busy with art projects I create on my own and not for some teacher. So the past 2 days have been transitional days. I've spent most of my time in bed or cleaning because I just don't know what else to do. I suppose most people use this time to hang out with friends, but my friends all have jobs and I'm not a night person so I don't feel like hanging out with them when they are available. So during the day I clean or sleep and during the night I cry. I can't help it. Of course eventually through my idleness I'll be inspired to conquer an art project or two and feel much better because I am accomplishing something. I always feel better when I'm either helping someone or doing something with a tangible result afterward. I guess during school I feel important and needed but during break I feel very replaceable as a person. Anyone would cry if they had that feeling. I'm probably not that different than others.....am I?

Monday, December 08, 2003

I got my new credit card in the mail today and it was really neat. My credit company had this promotion where I could put whatever photo I personally had on the cover of my card. I'm an artist so naturally that perked my attention. Spiffy! My own artwork on my credit card. So anyway I saw it and it was as neat as I thought it would be. However, it then occurred to me I can't show it off, cuz duh its got my credit card number all over it.... The only person I got to show it to was my mom, gee super. So now I can impress cashiers, not as cool of an idea as I thought.

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